Our desire to adopt has always been a deeply rooted part of who we are. Even before we met, we both felt this calling in our hearts.

“I can trace my longing for adoption back to my childhood. I remember asking my parents to adopt when I was young, even though I wasn't old enough to apply myself. I had this genuine desire to care for children in need, and it's something that never left me. In 2012, I started sponsoring a child through Compassion.com, and I've been committed to supporting them until they graduate from the program. It was a way for me to make a difference even before we could adopt.” – Jaz

Our journey into adoption also included becoming licensed foster parents in 2018. We had the privilege of caring for eight incredible children. While we knew that fostering's main goal is family reunification, we had already decided that if any placements moved toward adoption, we would gladly embrace it. Fostering brought immense joy to our lives and we’re glad our biological children were able to experience the joys of fostering too

“Every kid deserves love, opportunities to pursue their passions, and a place to call home. The impact that a family has on a child is immense and we witnessed firsthand just how important that bond is through fostering. All it takes is one person to take the time and energy to invest into a child for them to feel seen, listened to, and worth fighting for.” – Steven

After years of research and heartfelt prayers, we made the decision to transition from fostering to adoption. We chose Holt International as our agency, hoping to finalize our adoption process and start this new chapter in our lives. We love that Holt International provides various assistance throughout the entire adoption journey. Especially their post adoption services for both the child and parents.

Our story is a testament to the enduring love and determination that drive us to open our hearts and homes through adoption. It's a journey that's both deeply personal and incredibly rewarding, and it reaffirms our belief that love knows no boundaries.

– The Crosby Family